Monday, December 1, 2008
Revised Thesis statement
Harriet Tubman was called the "moses" of her time. I mean, why wouldn't she be? She did lead over 300 slaves to freedom. Even though She did such a brave task there is more to her story. Harriet Tubman was also a spy for the the union in the civil war. Though this was a very small role, it might have played a big part n the union's victory.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thesis statement for NHD 2008
Harriet Tubman is a very important person to history. Yes many people don't know who she is or what she did but her existence is very important. Harriet Tubman is one of the most famous conductors of the underground railroad. She lead hundreds of slaves to freedom. She must of had a lot of courage in order to fulfill this accomplishment. If Harriet Tubman didn't do what she did lives could have been lost and we possibly could have still been in slavery.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The person I chose to do my project on is Harriet Tubman. I chose her because I am really interested in the underground railroad and one of the most famous conductors. She is so important to history because without her sneaking over 100 slaves to freedom, African Americans would probably still be enslaved. For this week's research I found a website at'll do a summary of it next week I found that Harriet Tubman has her own holiday on march 10,every year.
Monday, June 2, 2008
views for service learning
This Wednesday and Thursday service learning will be fun and very progressing. I'm not were what we're doing exactly on Wednesday, but on Thursday I'm going to tutoring class. It will be a great experience.
reflection on independent service learning project
It was fun actually. It was easy because I did the activity for about a year now. I'm still doing it even though independent service learning is over with. I believe I should get a full 100 because I've done way more than 15 hours. Overall It's been fun and I would love to do it again.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well for the last couple of meetings, Jessie and I have been tutoring in the easal class and it has been going smoothly. Since the next meet is on a Wednsday, we will probably be getting started on theelderly people project. I believe that it will be fun!
Friday, May 2, 2008
My reflection on service learning
This Thursday's service learning meet went very smoothly. Jessie and I went to the library I explained in an earlier blog. We went to check out how they learn, just to get a feel of the situation. We both agreed that we would like to go back sometime. The next meeting that is on a thursday will probably be the next tutoring session.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My reflection on service learnig
Last weeks service learning meeting was alright. I think we made some progress. We wrote letters to people in charge of english teaching facilities. We then went to the library next door. We chatted with the librarian in charge of the english learning program. We still have to discuss what happened with Mr. Todd. I think that will be in process at this week's meeting. By the next meeting we should be on the teaching process.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My reflections on service learning
Since I did not go to the first service learning project I am expecting a lot of things to happen this time around. For the next and first service learning meeting I want to teach at least one person their ABC's and the sounds and maybe a few three lettered words.
Monday, April 7, 2008
What I've contributed to service learning over the weekend
Well I haven't really done anything for service learning over the weekend, but I have done things during the week. I went around with a "get better" card for julia and got two hours. In the future I plan on working with younger children on math skills to get more hours.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My progress in class
As you know, Miss D gave projects before the break. I finished mine just in the nick of time. I have to give it to her tomorrow though because she wasn't able to open the file. There was also another project she gave us. This project had to do with pi and pi day. I finished that one in her class. I feel I did a very swell job on those two projects.
Monday, March 3, 2008
My ideas for service learning
There are a couple of ideas I had for service learning. One of them is to volunteer in a hospital. It would be like going on a tour but helping out at the same time. You could learn a lot in medicines during this volunteer work. Another ideas is to help clean out the dirty lots in philadelphia. This would teach us things on how to help our environment and our earth. It could also show people how this could help us have a healthier future.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Labriah Morgan January 17, 2008
Final Grade in English
“ How could I get a ‘f’ in English? Mr. Romero, I thought you were my friend!” That’s probably the process you’ll go through come report card time. One student you won’t be hearing that from is I. I disserve an A in your class because I work hard, I try my best, and I think about my grades while doing the work that’s going to get me my grades.
I disserve an A in your English class firstly because I am a very hard worker. Every assignment we get I work REAL hard on. I think I’ve done a good job so far. You can actually tell when I’m hard at work too. One main sign of me working hard is when I’m quiet. Another sign is when I ignore everyone and everything around me that I feel will affect my work and me.
Another reason an A seems like a good grade for me is that I try my best. I try to complete all assignments at every chance I get. I also try to understand the work I do. And I have to try not to get distracted. Even when my friends are talking to me I try not to get distracted. One other thing that I try my best on is my essay. I put a lot of thought into my essays when I write them.
Last but defiantly not least; I really should get an A because I think of my grades while doing the work that’s going to get me my grade. Every essay, class assignment, or discussion we’ve had I thought of my grade. I want A’s so I have to work for that A. It really helps a lot because it usually works
In conclusion I disserve an A in English because I work really hard, I try really hard, and I think of my grades before I get them. I really think I disserve an A in your class as you can see. I hope you take this essay into consideration.
Final Grade in English
“ How could I get a ‘f’ in English? Mr. Romero, I thought you were my friend!” That’s probably the process you’ll go through come report card time. One student you won’t be hearing that from is I. I disserve an A in your class because I work hard, I try my best, and I think about my grades while doing the work that’s going to get me my grades.
I disserve an A in your English class firstly because I am a very hard worker. Every assignment we get I work REAL hard on. I think I’ve done a good job so far. You can actually tell when I’m hard at work too. One main sign of me working hard is when I’m quiet. Another sign is when I ignore everyone and everything around me that I feel will affect my work and me.
Another reason an A seems like a good grade for me is that I try my best. I try to complete all assignments at every chance I get. I also try to understand the work I do. And I have to try not to get distracted. Even when my friends are talking to me I try not to get distracted. One other thing that I try my best on is my essay. I put a lot of thought into my essays when I write them.
Last but defiantly not least; I really should get an A because I think of my grades while doing the work that’s going to get me my grade. Every essay, class assignment, or discussion we’ve had I thought of my grade. I want A’s so I have to work for that A. It really helps a lot because it usually works
In conclusion I disserve an A in English because I work really hard, I try really hard, and I think of my grades before I get them. I really think I disserve an A in your class as you can see. I hope you take this essay into consideration.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Labriah Morgan JANUARY 11, 2008
BIOGRAPHYY REPORT: James Langston Hughes
Biography by Andrew P. Jackson
Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. He was born to an abolitionist family. He started writing poetry in the eighth grade. His father wanted him to be an engineer, but Langston didn’t want to. He soon dropped out of engineering school and continued to write poetry.
Langston Hughes real name was James Langston Hughes. He was pressured by his parents to be something other than a poet. His father thought it wouldn’t do him much good. He was a person who was not about to let someone control his life. James helped himself succeed. He did this by doing what he knew he was good at. He knew what he wanted to be at a young age. It was when he wrote that poem in the eighth grade. Langston prepared his future by writing more and more poems and then tried to get them published
Langston did short plays, essays, and his most famous works, poems. His contribution literature was important because so many black writers are what they are because of him. For example Toni Morrison. He also inspired people by letting them know not to listen to what other people say about them, to follow their own dream.
You all should know that my character worked hard to follow his dream. He went against all odds. It’s kind of like a Romeo and Juliet story except the love is between Langston and his love for writing. We benefit from him today because there are a lot of black writers in the world today. The most important thing Langston did in my views was going against all odds to do what he wanted to do.
My character has inspired me by letting me know that I need to follow my own dreams and not everyone else’s. One way I would like to be like his is to be famous for following my dream of modeling.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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