Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thesis statement for NHD 2008

Harriet Tubman is a very important person to history. Yes many people don't know who she is or what she did but her existence is very important. Harriet Tubman is one of the most famous conductors of the underground railroad. She lead hundreds of slaves to freedom. She must of had a lot of courage in order to fulfill this accomplishment. If Harriet Tubman didn't do what she did lives could have been lost and we possibly could have still been in slavery.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The person I chose to do my project on is Harriet Tubman. I chose her because I am really interested in the underground railroad and one of the most famous conductors. She is so important to history because without her sneaking over 100 slaves to freedom, African Americans would probably still be enslaved. For this week's research I found a website at'll do a summary of it next week I found that Harriet Tubman has her own holiday on march 10,every year.