Tuesday, April 28, 2009
For our project in humanities i will choose the topic of world ending prophecies. I think this project will be exciting, controversial, and scary at the same time. I hope it goes well.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My civil war essay
Labriah Morgan 3/10/09
Blacks in the civil war
Since slaves were not classified as humans they weren’t believed to play a big role in a play called the civil war. Little did whites at the time know blacks would have one of the most important roles.
The civil war can be named as one of the most important wars America has ever experienced It’s actually the reason why states from the north and states from the south can still call themselves Americans. Slaves were the main reason for this war. The civil war was about the south splitting up from the nation because they didn’t want to abide by the rules so the war took affect to change their minds. Originally northerners didn’t care about slavery. This negligence was due to the southern myth. It wasn’t until the release of book by Harry Peacher Stowe named Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which brought the North to the realization of how harsh slavery really was. This one book caused a numerous amount of controversy between the north and south. All of the conflicts made the south want to part from the union. Before the election of 1860, it was all talk. After president Lincoln was elected secession spread all over the south. Lincoln tried to keep the nation together but his actions had very little effect on the situation. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina parted from the union. Over the next couple of weeks six more southern states parted from the nation. The states came together and called themselves the confederate states of America with Jefferson Davis as their president. Even though slaves had a part in separating the states, they also had a big part in the resolution.
When the war started blacks felt that they had to do their part by fighting for the union. Blacks didn’t know that they would be denied the opportunity to fight in the war. Lincoln’s administration wrestled with the idea of blacks fighting in the war. People didn’t think they were worthy the honor of fighting for the country. Though the administration didn’t approve of colored soldiers, some people of higher power like generals JohnC.Fremont and David Hunter emancipated slaves that were in a military region and gave them the opportunity to fight in the war.
On January1, 1863, all slaves were considered free. Most of them went to join the union soldiers. Even before the emancipation proclamation, Blacks fought in the war. After congress allowed blacks to fight, slaves from the south would escape to join the union. When union soldiers were sighted marching past, slaves would run and hide in the lines of soldiers. If any runaway slaves were reported or caught, they were severely punished, often by death. Originally president Lincoln wasn’t going to emancipate the slaves Even though he was opposed to slavery. It wasn’t in his interest to rescue or abolish slavery. His only interest was in saving the union. Later in the war Lincoln came to the realization that freeing the slaves made perfect sense in the struggle of saving the union. He figured it would win support in Europe and link the war to moral causes in the north. He also found that the south would lose most of their work force if slaves were freed. So it was basically a win, win situation. A few days after the battle of Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the civil war, the president warned the south that they had until January I, 1863 to rejoin the union. If they refused the slaves would be free.
In 1861 congress authorized African American recruitment. The following year the war department issued a general order that authorized the organization of colored troops. One of the most famous units was the 54th Massachusetts regiment. There was a lot of controversy against black soldiers at this time. The 54th Massachusetts played a critical role in gaining acceptance for black soldiers. On July18, 1863 they invaded the confederate defenses. Though they lost the battle and 40 percent of their men died at the failed attempt, they were recognized for it. They were believed to have saved 200,000 white men. If they didn’t take on the actions they did those white men would not have even made it to the field. Even after these actions, they still faced racism and hostility. One problem was unequal pay. White soldiers were paid 13 dollars a month while blacks were paid only 10 dollars a month. They weren’t even paid as soldiers they were paid as laborers. Somme regiments were protestant by not accepting pay at all while others protested by not fighting in the war. The consequences of these actions were inflicted upon the leaders of the protesting soldiers. Sergeant William Walker was charged with mutiny and executed by a firing squad. In June of 1864 congress equally paid black and white soldiers. They even got all of the back pay. Unequal pay was only one of the challenges blacks faced in the civil war. Other dilemmas include being assigned menial tasks, given poor weapons to fight, poor battle training, and when black soldiers were captured they were often enslaved or executed rather than imprison like white soldiers.
Blacks in the civil war
Since slaves were not classified as humans they weren’t believed to play a big role in a play called the civil war. Little did whites at the time know blacks would have one of the most important roles.
The civil war can be named as one of the most important wars America has ever experienced It’s actually the reason why states from the north and states from the south can still call themselves Americans. Slaves were the main reason for this war. The civil war was about the south splitting up from the nation because they didn’t want to abide by the rules so the war took affect to change their minds. Originally northerners didn’t care about slavery. This negligence was due to the southern myth. It wasn’t until the release of book by Harry Peacher Stowe named Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which brought the North to the realization of how harsh slavery really was. This one book caused a numerous amount of controversy between the north and south. All of the conflicts made the south want to part from the union. Before the election of 1860, it was all talk. After president Lincoln was elected secession spread all over the south. Lincoln tried to keep the nation together but his actions had very little effect on the situation. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina parted from the union. Over the next couple of weeks six more southern states parted from the nation. The states came together and called themselves the confederate states of America with Jefferson Davis as their president. Even though slaves had a part in separating the states, they also had a big part in the resolution.
When the war started blacks felt that they had to do their part by fighting for the union. Blacks didn’t know that they would be denied the opportunity to fight in the war. Lincoln’s administration wrestled with the idea of blacks fighting in the war. People didn’t think they were worthy the honor of fighting for the country. Though the administration didn’t approve of colored soldiers, some people of higher power like generals JohnC.Fremont and David Hunter emancipated slaves that were in a military region and gave them the opportunity to fight in the war.
On January1, 1863, all slaves were considered free. Most of them went to join the union soldiers. Even before the emancipation proclamation, Blacks fought in the war. After congress allowed blacks to fight, slaves from the south would escape to join the union. When union soldiers were sighted marching past, slaves would run and hide in the lines of soldiers. If any runaway slaves were reported or caught, they were severely punished, often by death. Originally president Lincoln wasn’t going to emancipate the slaves Even though he was opposed to slavery. It wasn’t in his interest to rescue or abolish slavery. His only interest was in saving the union. Later in the war Lincoln came to the realization that freeing the slaves made perfect sense in the struggle of saving the union. He figured it would win support in Europe and link the war to moral causes in the north. He also found that the south would lose most of their work force if slaves were freed. So it was basically a win, win situation. A few days after the battle of Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the civil war, the president warned the south that they had until January I, 1863 to rejoin the union. If they refused the slaves would be free.
In 1861 congress authorized African American recruitment. The following year the war department issued a general order that authorized the organization of colored troops. One of the most famous units was the 54th Massachusetts regiment. There was a lot of controversy against black soldiers at this time. The 54th Massachusetts played a critical role in gaining acceptance for black soldiers. On July18, 1863 they invaded the confederate defenses. Though they lost the battle and 40 percent of their men died at the failed attempt, they were recognized for it. They were believed to have saved 200,000 white men. If they didn’t take on the actions they did those white men would not have even made it to the field. Even after these actions, they still faced racism and hostility. One problem was unequal pay. White soldiers were paid 13 dollars a month while blacks were paid only 10 dollars a month. They weren’t even paid as soldiers they were paid as laborers. Somme regiments were protestant by not accepting pay at all while others protested by not fighting in the war. The consequences of these actions were inflicted upon the leaders of the protesting soldiers. Sergeant William Walker was charged with mutiny and executed by a firing squad. In June of 1864 congress equally paid black and white soldiers. They even got all of the back pay. Unequal pay was only one of the challenges blacks faced in the civil war. Other dilemmas include being assigned menial tasks, given poor weapons to fight, poor battle training, and when black soldiers were captured they were often enslaved or executed rather than imprison like white soldiers.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My article For english class

Labriah Morgan March16, 2009
CHS and music
Hip-hop, rap, rock, and R&B. These are some of the genres that are most likely listed in the I-pods of teens today. These are the same I-pods that aren’t allowed in our schools, why is that?
For years Technical devices weren’t allowed in schools. This includes cell phones and I-pods and other musical devices. What’s the harm in a little Music?
Constitution High School is a school of much intellect, but apparently not much fun. Most classes in ‘Conhigh’ don’t allow students to listen to music while working. So if teachers won’t make working fun and easier, who will?
One may think that having to go through an hour and a half class with nothing but silence is no fun and would make the class harder. Students like Adriannah Severio, a tenth grader in Constitution High School, would agree. “Some of the classes in CHS are, well…WACK! There’s really no other way to say it. Most of the teachers here don’t make class fun. They give you straight facts and then put the work in your face and expect you to have it done at the end of class in complete silence. Where’s the fun in that?!” Other students like Brandon Roman, graduating in the year of 2011, are on the same page but do give some teachers credit. “ Yea most of the classes are boring but what about the classes that aren’t? There are some teachers like Mr. Todd who put music into the lessons and gave us fun activities that involved food, which everyone loves. Other teacers like Mr. Romero and sometimes Mrs.Thompson allow you to listen to music while doing work. So not all classes are bad, but those that are need to get on track!”
Music education on line says that a study in 1994 showed that 66 percent of accepted medical students all majored in music. Another study of 1999 showed that students who listened to music scored higher on the SAT’s. Students scored 53 points higher on the English sections and 39 points higher in math sections. These studies prove that music is fun but also very helpful.
All in all, school can get a little boring, but there are some ways to make learning fun. Listening to music while working is one good way. With minor rules, teachers should allow students to listen to music while doing schoolwork. It helps stimulate the mind and helps with concentration. Hey who knows it could help us out in the long run.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Labriah Morgan 2-22-09 Class 1A
What’s your season?
Fresh air, new born flowers, this would be the perfect scenery for me if my life was in seasons. Physically I can’t take care of myself especially when the age of adolescence is 18 and older. Maintaining a life can be difficult for someone trying to run a house hold. Growing up (the biggest step in adult hood) can be a major headache because of childish temptations. All of these processes are what hold me back from going through the most important process in my life.
Can you say that you are able to care for yourself? I cannot say that I can, well that is legally at least. Physically, I can’t walk into a modeling agency and expect to be seen without a parent. Neither can I pay bills or buy food suitable for an adult. Every penny earned would be spent on something other than me which I honestly don’t look forward to. Mentally speaking I can tend to my needs. Hygiene, an important factor in life, comes first in my book. Showering, brushing my teeth, and deodorizing myself, are all mandatory things. Judgmentally, I nurture myself very well. Building good decision making habits, I can do.
Buds are still blooming in my life. Depending on what one does in their adult life, there are numerous amounts of duties to attend. Cleaning would be a big part in my life according to my plans. Dusty walls, dirty dishes, unclean floors and messy papers are unacceptable for me. My flowers are still buds because of the fact that I still have training to attend to on how to be able to live on my own. Young children might be a hassle. There are still some cooking lessons I have yet to attend. Boys are still somewhat confusing to me. Verbal arguments and mood swings are some of the things that have me “stuck”. Aspects such as these are what hold me back.
“The old me is dead and gone,” rapper T.I clearly explains the sudden epiphany the young girl in “Marigolds” had with this excerpt from his song. Unfortunately for me I have not reached that point. Maturity really holds me back the most. Responsibilities such as loosing important materials keep me in the spring. Simplicity I have to say holds me back the most. The fact that I yell out ignorant things to people show that childish enticements get the best of me at times.
Overall, the ending of spring explains my point in life perfectly. Bodily, I cannot take care of myself without the help of an adult. Mentally I consider a sundress and some sandals the perfect attire for me. I still need some assistance on basic house hold duties such as cleaning and caring for others. I necessitate little training on learning to withhold ignorant thoughts against people. Now that you know my season, are you satisfied with yours?
What’s your season?
Fresh air, new born flowers, this would be the perfect scenery for me if my life was in seasons. Physically I can’t take care of myself especially when the age of adolescence is 18 and older. Maintaining a life can be difficult for someone trying to run a house hold. Growing up (the biggest step in adult hood) can be a major headache because of childish temptations. All of these processes are what hold me back from going through the most important process in my life.
Can you say that you are able to care for yourself? I cannot say that I can, well that is legally at least. Physically, I can’t walk into a modeling agency and expect to be seen without a parent. Neither can I pay bills or buy food suitable for an adult. Every penny earned would be spent on something other than me which I honestly don’t look forward to. Mentally speaking I can tend to my needs. Hygiene, an important factor in life, comes first in my book. Showering, brushing my teeth, and deodorizing myself, are all mandatory things. Judgmentally, I nurture myself very well. Building good decision making habits, I can do.
Buds are still blooming in my life. Depending on what one does in their adult life, there are numerous amounts of duties to attend. Cleaning would be a big part in my life according to my plans. Dusty walls, dirty dishes, unclean floors and messy papers are unacceptable for me. My flowers are still buds because of the fact that I still have training to attend to on how to be able to live on my own. Young children might be a hassle. There are still some cooking lessons I have yet to attend. Boys are still somewhat confusing to me. Verbal arguments and mood swings are some of the things that have me “stuck”. Aspects such as these are what hold me back.
“The old me is dead and gone,” rapper T.I clearly explains the sudden epiphany the young girl in “Marigolds” had with this excerpt from his song. Unfortunately for me I have not reached that point. Maturity really holds me back the most. Responsibilities such as loosing important materials keep me in the spring. Simplicity I have to say holds me back the most. The fact that I yell out ignorant things to people show that childish enticements get the best of me at times.
Overall, the ending of spring explains my point in life perfectly. Bodily, I cannot take care of myself without the help of an adult. Mentally I consider a sundress and some sandals the perfect attire for me. I still need some assistance on basic house hold duties such as cleaning and caring for others. I necessitate little training on learning to withhold ignorant thoughts against people. Now that you know my season, are you satisfied with yours?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
S.O.S by Amiri Baraka

Labriah Morgan 2/12/09
Period 1A Grade 10
S.O.S by Amiri Baraka
Gangs, violence, murder, what has the black race come to? Unity explains what Amiri Baraka tries to tell us in his poem S.O.S. One is able to see conflict without reading the poem. A slow steady pace can bring out the voice in S.O.S. I clearly understood the meaning because it got straight to the point.
Baraka’s S.O.S catches the reader’s attention through conflict. Simply because it let’s one know the conflict without showing it on paper. When read and understood, we can clearly see that the conflict that occurs concentrates on us being a black union that lacks unity. Basically this poem plays the role of a resolution to a sightless problem.
S.O.S moves me with the amount of tone and rhythm used. Certain hints let me know this poem has a powerful, demanding voice. Repetition and the placement of words give the strong voice in this short, powerful poem.
The meaning pulls the reader in. Making a point perfectly explains the meaning in S.O.S. Originality can be found in the message the meaning sends. Not many poets make it that sweet and simple like Amiri did.
In ultimatum, S.O.S written by Amiri Baraka has conflict. An argument started in my mind while reading it! Slow rhythm and a serious tone give this poem a voice. Force was trust upon me when hearing it. The meaning sends me a clear message. Now that you’ve heard someone calling out for a S.O.S, next time don’t just stand there, do something about it!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Revised Thesis statement
Harriet Tubman was called the "moses" of her time. I mean, why wouldn't she be? She did lead over 300 slaves to freedom. Even though She did such a brave task there is more to her story. Harriet Tubman was also a spy for the the union in the civil war. Though this was a very small role, it might have played a big part n the union's victory.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thesis statement for NHD 2008
Harriet Tubman is a very important person to history. Yes many people don't know who she is or what she did but her existence is very important. Harriet Tubman is one of the most famous conductors of the underground railroad. She lead hundreds of slaves to freedom. She must of had a lot of courage in order to fulfill this accomplishment. If Harriet Tubman didn't do what she did lives could have been lost and we possibly could have still been in slavery.
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