Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My article For english class

Labriah Morgan March16, 2009

CHS and music

Hip-hop, rap, rock, and R&B. These are some of the genres that are most likely listed in the I-pods of teens today. These are the same I-pods that aren’t allowed in our schools, why is that?

For years Technical devices weren’t allowed in schools. This includes cell phones and I-pods and other musical devices. What’s the harm in a little Music?

Constitution High School is a school of much intellect, but apparently not much fun. Most classes in ‘Conhigh’ don’t allow students to listen to music while working. So if teachers won’t make working fun and easier, who will?

One may think that having to go through an hour and a half class with nothing but silence is no fun and would make the class harder. Students like Adriannah Severio, a tenth grader in Constitution High School, would agree. “Some of the classes in CHS are, well…WACK! There’s really no other way to say it. Most of the teachers here don’t make class fun. They give you straight facts and then put the work in your face and expect you to have it done at the end of class in complete silence. Where’s the fun in that?!” Other students like Brandon Roman, graduating in the year of 2011, are on the same page but do give some teachers credit. “ Yea most of the classes are boring but what about the classes that aren’t? There are some teachers like Mr. Todd who put music into the lessons and gave us fun activities that involved food, which everyone loves. Other teacers like Mr. Romero and sometimes Mrs.Thompson allow you to listen to music while doing work. So not all classes are bad, but those that are need to get on track!”

Music education on line says that a study in 1994 showed that 66 percent of accepted medical students all majored in music. Another study of 1999 showed that students who listened to music scored higher on the SAT’s. Students scored 53 points higher on the English sections and 39 points higher in math sections. These studies prove that music is fun but also very helpful.

All in all, school can get a little boring, but there are some ways to make learning fun. Listening to music while working is one good way. With minor rules, teachers should allow students to listen to music while doing schoolwork. It helps stimulate the mind and helps with concentration. Hey who knows it could help us out in the long run.

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